Prayer Requests and Needs

Request a Prayer

Here at Next Level Church we believe that prayer connects us with the heart of our Father. It’s a two-way relationship in which we not only talk to our Father but also listen to Him. The beautiful thing about prayer is that God has also given us the authority to intercede on other’s behalf.

Have a Need

During these difficult times, it is easy to feel like you are all alone. We want you to know that we are here and ready to help. If you have a need that you are not able to fulfill on your own, please let us know.

Download a Wallpaper for your Phone

We've created wallpapers for you to add to your home screen on your phone. Let these be a daily reminder to you to pray to God, and inspire you to hold onto the truth found in the Bible.

Join the prayer team

One of our CORE values at Next Level Church is SERVE ALL LOVE ALL. We use our gifts to serve others with the love of Jesus and one of the ways we do this is through prayer. If you are interested in joining our online prayer team, we would love for you to fill in the contact form below. Our Prayer Team Pastor will be in touch with you soon!